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Franchise Form

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Poulet Rouge franchisee! Owning a franchise is a long-term commitment, and our selection process is thorough and detailed to find the perfect match. After all, your success is the key to ours!

To begin the selection process, we have established pre-screening and eligibility criteria. Please note that experience in business or the food industry is not a requirement to operate a Poulet Rouge restaurant. Kindly confirm your adherence to the following points:

Information Personnelle

Professional Resume

For each question, select the answer from the list that best matches your language level.

Franchise Information

In which regions would you like to operate a Poulet Rouge franchise?*

You can only select up to 10 regions.

From what date would you be available to start training in the restaurant?*

Have you ever worked for Poulet Rouge ?*

Have you (or a business you owned) ever declared bankruptcy?*

Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense without receiving a pardon?*

Please add any relevant comments to support your application.

Thank you, your form has been submitted successfully and we will contact you soon.